Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Introducing...Lynn Korf and her new blog

Many books have introductions by other people, so I thought an introduction would be a good way to get Lynn started on her blog. I met Lynn in the fall of 2007, when we both took a Photojournalism class at SCC. She was likable right from the start, a little burst of sunshiny fun in our class of 5 or 6 students. It was obvious that Lynn loves photography and adventure and trying new things. She has a good sense of humor, is able to laugh at herself. She was teased pretty regularly about being the one who tilted her camera. She passed on the tilt to me. Thanks, Lynn. :-) Lynn has emailed me photos every now and then. She went to Europe last summer for 6 weeks. Here is a little sampling of her work and eye. 








Great job, Lynn. Can't wait to see more-Maria